Saturday, February 2, 2019

Capstone: Day-3

Week 3

On day-3 we relocated the OpenGN station to C527 entrance area along with the telephone access panel and mounted it on the wall. We also installed one card reader to one of the access control panel and three card readers at the aisle for each panel. Now all three-access control panel has two card readers for each and is integrated with the system.

As for integrating each system to the OpenGN, The FX2000 configuration needed password to log into settings. Voice message and email sent to JC for access but didn’t get any respond(We will reach him in person Tuesday). RS-232 Cable are needed for each panels to connect to network for communication with OpenGN. Devon was notified with the missing part and is in order. If we do not get the part by day-4, we will be making it. We have also explored new software: Iconic's, we will be working with both OpenGN and Iconics and compare each pro's and cons. We will be working on with iconics software as soon as authorization is approve for demo version
:RS-232 with Ethernet port.FX2000
Telephone access panel, OpenGN installed.

Two card readers for each access control panel installed neatly and integrated.

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Capstone Project - Last Day

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