Saturday, January 19, 2019

Capstone: Day-1

Week 1

First day to start off capstone, the Mircom project group member were assigned. Our group task was to finish installation on card access panel and fire alarm panel in room C527. Majority of our group member were taking Building sub-systems & Integration course, so we had basic knowledge on how these panels worked. With Professor JC’s account we downloaded both systems manual through Mircom website and studied it. 

Once we were on the same page, we worked as a team by dividing tasks. Finding sub components on fire panel system and mounting them on the board, configuring how wiring should be completed with both systems and lastly configure/move Open GN system to room C527.We have successfully finished all task, but one of the fire alarm subsystem component was missing, which was reported to Professor Leo.

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Capstone Project - Last Day

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